SWATCOM’s Collaboration with Finishing The Dream

Jun 25, 2024 | Communications

On 14 March 2024, in Dover, UK, Geoff Holt MBE DL, a quadriplegic adventurer, announced his ambitious voyage to celebrate 40 years in a wheelchair. Geoff has dedicated his life to providing access to the sea for all disabled individuals and aims to demonstrate that there are no limits to our dreams. This journey, undertaken in aid of the Wetwheels Foundation, with hopes to raise £1.2 million for four new Wetwheels boats, enhancing life-changing experiences for over 5,000 profoundly disabled people each year.

The Challenge

Geoff embarked on a 1,500-mile journey around the UK coastline, setting sail from London on 13 May 2024. The Lord Mayor of London, Michael Mainelli, flagged off the voyage from St. Katharine’s Dock. Geoff planned to make 17 key stops, raising awareness and funds for more Wetwheels boats, while navigating some of the most dangerous and congested waters in the world. This endeavour required not only physical endurance but also mental resilience, as Geoff managed the logistics of the trip.

SWATCOM’s Contribution

Understanding the unique needs of this challenge, SWATCOM collaborated closely with Geoff to ensure his communication systems were perfectly tailored for his requirements. Our team, alongside ICOM, refitted the communication setup on Geoff’s Wetwheels boat, pairing our Lightweight PBH Headset with an adapted SWATCOM PTT7000, making it user-friendly for Geoff. This configuration was integrated with ICOM portable radios, ensuring seamless and reliable communication throughout the voyage.

The Journey

Geoff and his support team departed from London, heading west along the South Coast. They visited various ports to raise awareness about his adventure and the Wetwheels Foundation’s mission. Geoff took time to greet the eight existing Wetwheels locations that deliver thousands of boat trips each year for disabled individuals.

Throughout the journey, Geoff expressed his enthusiasm and determination: “Knowing the challenges that lay ahead, this will be the most daring and demanding project I have ever undertaken. The 1,500-mile journey will test my physical and mental endurance, but I am committed to inspiring more disabled people to discover Wetwheels and support our amazing work.”

Impact and Results

By the end of the voyage, over £75,000 had been raised through Just Giving, with a celebratory dinner planned for Geoff’s return later in June. The relationships built during this journey, including with the Port of Milford Haven, Blue Horizons Adventures, and Sea2It in Northern Ireland, have paved the way for potential new Wetwheels boats in the next 24 months.


At SWATCOM, we recognise that we only played a small part in a much bigger project, but we are proud to support such an important foundation in whatever way we can—big or small. SWATCOM was proud to play a role in Geoff Holt’s inspirational journey, “Finishing The Dream.” This project exemplified our commitment to adapting our products to meet specific needs. We continue to strive to make our products work for every individual, and we encourage anyone needing specialised equipment to contact us.

To catch up on their adventures head to www.finishingthedream.co.uk We look forward to seeing the continued impact of the Wetwheels Foundation and supporting more such initiatives in the future.